

北公园神学院(NPTS), 我们提供学位课程,积极培养对神学的好奇心. We encourage students to think, learn, ask questions, and grow in humility with knowledge.

下一步是我们的校友终身学习计划, 牧师, 领导团队, 教会, 还有任何想继续学习的人.


At NPTS, our certificates offer the chance to dive deeper into specific areas of study.


任何人都欢迎参加NPTS的审核课程. 费用是每学时50美元. 欲了解更多信息,请联系神学院招生 semadmissions@vacuumbeltsdirect.com.


北公园神学院’s 公共神学 series is generously sponsored by the Lilly Endowment, 公司. 可以查阅以往讲座的档案 在这里.


《澳门网络赌博游戏》神学解释研讨会 features prominent international scholars and provides a forum for interdisciplinary 神学 from a biblical perspective. 下一次研讨会定于2月14日至15日举行, 2025, 主题是好客和移民.


NPTS提供由我们的专家教师领导的研讨会. 联系情境与终身学习主任, 布雷特·韦德曼,了解更多关于在教堂安排聚会的信息.

车间的标题 主持人 描述
崇拜:你的偏好是什么? 大卫Bjorlin Too often our churches have divided not over theological issues or diverging visions of mission, 而是我们唱的歌的风格. 在这个研讨会上, we will explore the many traditions of congregational song and the particular gifts each tradition can bring to the life of the church.
神圣的想象力 大卫Bjorlin 在我们的很多教堂里, 我们做圣礼是因为耶稣告诉我们要这么做, but they often aren’t integrated into our understanding of worship or the world. 在这个研讨会上, we will discuss the meaning of the sacraments and how they can inform a sacramental imagination that sees all of God’s creation as a means by which God communicates love.
我们被造是为了敬拜 大卫Bjorlin 在这个介绍性研讨会中, we will discuss why humans worship in the first place as well as the particular place of worship for Christians. This will include how worship connects to the way we live with our neighbor in the world.
保罗DeNeui This workshop covers the how and whys of ECC global service today with guest speakers. 任何对ECC的全球服务感兴趣的人都可以参加. 包括服用IDI.
保罗DeNeui 透过发展文化释经的技巧, participants will learn about the histories and cultures in their own regions of ministry, recognizing opportunities to partner with ways that God’s activity is already at work.
跨文化发展小组工作坊 保罗DeNeui 这个研讨会可以包括教会领袖或整个会众. 结合小组活动,目标设定和跟进.
活出诗篇 内森克莱顿 诗篇能, 它们反映了人类情感体验的广度, 帮助我们处理压力和焦虑? 在这个研讨会上, we will learn how to expand our prayer language by engaging both the themes of individual psalms and the message of the whole Psalter.
通过旧约敬拜经历神 内森克莱顿 旧约保留了各种各样的音乐敬拜体验. 在这个研讨会上 we will explore how Old Testament music and song can enrich our Christian worship life.
我们是谁,为什么它很重要? Hauna Ondrey 你们的历史就是圣约的历史……后代能讲出来吗? This session will share resources and best practices for preserving your congregation’s story through oral 历史 and archival collections.
过一种虔诚的生活 Rob彼得森 This five-to-six-part workshop is for lay people who want to explore the foundational perspectives and practices of a more prayerful life.
神和我一起工作吗? Rob彼得森 This workshop explores the integration of faith and work with the intent of helping laypeople affirm the goodness and gift of work while also acknowledging the challenges of work.
神呼召你了吗?? Rob彼得森 This workshop is for 牧师 who want to shift their church culture to be much more supportive of laypeople in their ministry of work.
聆听:福音传播 米歇尔·道森 这个工作坊的重点是倾听, 挑战我们对他人的假设, 从谦逊的角度进行交流.
米歇尔·道森 This workshop will help participants broaden their thinking about race and diversity in their contexts. It is especially geared for racially homogenous 教会 who understand the value of diversity but feel excluded from the conversation because their context is not racially diverse.
浪子的比喻作为新约神学 马克斯•李 This workshop features four seminars that cover the major tenets of New Testament 神学 through a biblical and theological interpretation of Jesus’s parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11–32). 讲座内容包括:等候的父(神的教义), 遥远的国度(罪的教义), 回家(救赎的教义), 《澳门网络博彩游戏》(教会教义).
教会中单身人士的教牧关怀 伊丽莎白·皮埃尔 教会有时忘记为单身成年人服务. This workshop will help your congregation discover the joy of serving single adults.
创伤车间 伊丽莎白·皮埃尔 This workshop will assist your congregation in ministering to people who have experienced trauma.
谁才是真正的掌权者? 布雷特·韦德曼 This workshop will help your congregation pay attention to the power dynamics in the New Testament and be aware of those dynamics within the church, 以及教堂周围的文化.
发现你的教会文化 布雷特·韦德曼和谢丽尔·林恩·凯恩 这个工作坊将帮助你发现你教会的文化.
神的国就在眼前 布雷特·韦德曼 的 Kingdom of God was a main teaching of Jesus who coupled it with experiences of the Kingdom of God. This workshop will illuminate the strategy of Jesus in the formation of his disciples in order to embody the Great Commission.
什么是偶像崇拜?它如何阻碍我们作门徒? 布雷特·韦德曼 In the Old and New Testaments, t在这里 is a warning about idolatry for God’s people. This workshop will explore the operating system of idolatry to help us freely follow the Risen Jesus.
车间的标题 主持人 描述
Teología de la Iglesia del Pacto evangaclico 阿米达·贝尔蒙特·斯蒂芬斯 Este taller se centra en los distintivos teológicos de la IPE como las enseñanzas de la salvación, 美国萨克拉门托, misión iglesia积分, yla participación sin restricción de la mujer en el ministio
黑社会的基本原理bíblica 阿米达·贝尔蒙特·斯蒂芬斯 ¿Cómo leemos la Biblia? Este taller presenta principios y métodos fundamentales para la interpretación bíblica con el fin de ser intérpretes fieles y responsables al servicio del reino de Dios?
Desarrollo跨文化阅读 谢丽尔·林恩·凯恩 在圣经中,不同文化间的交流是不同的?